Saturday, March 28, 2009

Funny How God Works Sometimes

So here I am, sitting at my computer reading my friends' blogs. I wanted to blog about something, but I didn't know what. What do I have to say that's good enough for a blog? Has anything interesting happened recently? But then I thought of something.

As you might know, I'm currently sick. I've got a cold and a come-and-go sinus headache that can go from either a minor annoyance to feeling like my head is splitting open. Not that great, eh? But this isn't the big part of my blog.

You see, earlier this month I found out that my workplace needed people to work overtime hours over Spring Break. There is one project that they want to get done by April, so it was approved that anyone working on that project can work long as they're still on that project.

I had been on this project for a while this month. But then this past week I was put on other stuff. Stuff that wasn't so urgent. Stuff that wasn't approved for overtime. I started secretly thinking that maybe they didn't think I would be a help in reaching the deadline or something. Ridiculous, but it was going through my head. However, this was actually the brilliance of God working; I just didn't realize it at the time.

On Wednesday, I got sick. As I got out of bed my head started hurting like mad and I felt like I could hardly hold it up. So I called in sick and spent the day trying to recuperate. It sort of worked; I went into work the next morning. I seriously regretted it because I felt like crap all day , but I still did it. I was very careful not to infect anyone, though.

So Friday came and I still felt like crap. The boss had decided that Saturday and Sunday required eight mandatory hours from everyone working on this overtime project. I had previously been on the list to be there, too. But obviously, I didn't want to. So I asked my supervisor a question:

I haven't been working on [insert project name here]. Am I still expected to be here tomorrow?
He said I wasn't and to have a good weekend.

Now, I only just realized it, but I think God decided to have me put on other, not-overtime-approved projects because He knew I'd get sick and would need (or at least want) the weekend to recover. Funny how God works, huh?

Thank you, Lord.