The Jargon List

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |


Apologetics: The practice of giving a reasoned defense of something. In Christianity, this is the practice of giving a reasoned defense of Christianity, God's existence, the Bible, etc.


Calvinism: A view that holds to the Five Points of Calvinism, generally known by the acronym TULIP: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints. See the definitions for each point

Christology: The study of the person and work of Jesus Christ

Classical Apologetics: The practice of giving a reasoned defense of the Christian faith, based on the idea of proving the existence of God, the authority of the Bible, etc.

Credobaptism, or Believer's Baptism: The belief that only professing believers of Jesus should be baptized



Eschatology: The study of last things; the study of the end times


Fideism: The view that matters of religion must be taken on faith only with no help from reason

Five Points of Calvinism: See "Calvinism"




Irresistible Grace: All whom God has predestined, he will call to himself, and all who are called will come to him.




Limited Atonement: The atonement that Jesus paid on the cross was only for the elect; that is, the atonement is limited in scope only to those whom God elected to salvation



Natural Theology: The study of God and how he has revealed himself in nature


Original Intent: What someone means by what he or she says, rather than what others interpret the meaning to be


Paedobaptism, or Infant Baptism: The belief that professing believers of Jesus, as well as their children, should be baptized

Perseverance of the Saints: All who are truly saved will persevere in the faith until the end. This accounts for backsliding and grievous sin, for the Christian can still fall into such things, but he cannot lose his salvation utterly. God will preserve him

Presuppositionalism: The practice of giving a reasoned defense of Christianity by first pre-supposing (as opposed to proving) the existence of God



Reformed Theology: The theology espoused by the reformers, such as Luther and Calvin. This view generally holds to the five solas, the Five Points of Calvinism, and covenant theology.



Theology: Lit. "The study of God." This term is typically used to refer to anything related to Christian doctrine

Theology proper: The study of God himself: his person, his works, his nature, his attributes, etc.

Total Depravity: Mankind is depraved down to his very being, to the point where he is morally incapable of choosing to follow Jesus as Savior and Lord. This does not mean that mankind is as evil as he can possibly be; rather, all parts of him, his "totality," is corrupted by sin

Transubstantiation: The Roman Catholic doctrine that the bread and wine of the Lord's Supper change in essence (but not in external perception) to the literal body and blood of Jesus Christ

TULIP: See "Calvinism"


Unconditional Election: God chose to elect a people to save, not based on their works (i.e. not because of any conditions fulfilled by these people), but because of his grace and mercy






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