Sunday, June 21, 2009

Adam the Cannibal is Not an Ideal Jedi

So, out of boredom I decided to take my infamous relationship rant and run it through Google Translator. I went from English to French to German to French and ended back at English. I got some amusing results.

So it was slow to kill me this week?

* Cough *

I would say that in my mind lately? What was the concept entirely, I mean that I am in my blog about this? Ah, yes ... Relations.

Hello! It may complain, but not another. Well, maybe. We will see where there are here.

It was a little behind, almost a year ago. I have a daughter to eat, but I had no idea what I have all the time. I was on the ground trying to improvise. Of course, it did not work. But it was after that date, that I am, I had no idea what I'm doing when it comes to encounters or relationships. More Joey, who was at the time, recently had a relationship with the girl, now his girlfriend, told me that the relationship ended, he decided that, to date, he been regarded as a God, which leads to a girl. I took it with a heart and decided I had to wait. Not only that, but I personally am ready to.

Then it's a year later. I have good and bad sides of love, of observing my friends incursions. It reminds me very, really. What will happen if I with the false?

Let me give you an example. I know a couple before he broke the two who were Christians. Everyone continuously for more ... hmm, how do I have this relationship .... Not necessarily sex, but also very close. One could say: "Well, it must stop." But sooner or later, it loops around the suspicion and places of residence was never produced. ... Finally finished five months after the fracture. Oh man.

Now, what I would do in this situation? I would say that I remain strong. But I also know that I am not always the role model for the force. As I said in the past, we never know really what we can, as long as we in the heat of the moment. Of course, you can always say: "I was, I'm never going back." But it is, if the devil is still trying, we have tested our resolve. And most of the time ... in fact all the time ... the only way to win, is God. It is the highest.

It is like it is tempting to me asking me if I am the punishment. This question has been in my mind for a long time, as it is? I mean, if we die and in heaven, the marriage is not really something, is not it? But the Bible, love and marriage is what God has for us. He has the woman, because man alone, is not it? And Paul said:

"Now, singles and widows I say: It is good for her to remain unmarried as I am. But if they do not themselves, they should marry, because it is better to marry than to burn with passion. "

- 1 Corinthians 7:8-9

Paul was single. Ie it has not been tempted to meat. So, is not married, was easy for him. This is not the case for the majority of the population.

At the same time, I reflected on the relations in general. Hmmm. Will I be a good friend? Me and a girl like me? The girls I liked in the past, for whatever reason, what I know. But why? I doubt that this is the guitar, I am not Alex Lifeson.
Many girls I know are in relationships with boys more and more about how nature is "the best guy ever" or "perfection in every sense." I do not think I'm in this type pressure. Not only that, but also difficult to imagine a girl on me. I saw things. Like a lot.

Yes, I trust in his own questions. It is another of my problems.

Here's a question for you: Is it a pity that I can think of reason not days almost all girls, I'm almost as far? It is clear that I will not go, or the girl. But I do not know if this is good reason, or if I just make excuses.

And since I love the random notes, I give you chance Notes: dreams. Recently, I had many dreams of the girl. It could simply be a kind of buried desires, which I do not even know about to meet a girl, playing with my mind, but what happens so often lately that I am left to wonder why.

Good first dream. I had this a few weeks ago, I think. I was in a water park. There was a rocket that can be. They launch into the sky. Now, a policeman came in all the arrogant and said it was illegal and dangerous. I took his arm and told him that I use for him. For some reason, he said that me and that is why I have been attacked. I was handcuffed to a park bench outside the police station (strange, is not it?). And I know a girl from the station, after it seems that food out of it. She sat beside me and there was for me. Time, she seemed nervous. I think we almost kissed, but I can not really remember. Bare in mind that this girl is someone that I did not once. I talk to him or to see. Weird.

Then a few nights ago, I had a dream in which I married another girl that I am not interested in. Curiously, I am also the minister. I am reminded of a sign, said: "May you now kiss the bride", as I kissed the bride. Can you imagine, the ministers are to your marriage?

Finally, for whatever reason, I'm in a classroom shirt. I sat at my table and another girl (I do not have to l ') told me I have to go tanning and that is why I really want something good or. This is not an environment (or at least I am not longer seen). But this dream was strange, because I also remember being here and Duck many of us begin to dance for any reason.

What's weird is it seriously that I am not a time as any at the moment. At least as far as I can tell, I do not.

Yes, I took quite Droned about it. Then God said, 'Hey, it's time for you on the spot ", or is it my mind playing tricks me?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sin is Salvation?

This past Sunday I went to Sarrah's church, Coram Deo, in Bremerton. The message was about suffering. The pastor, Jon, used two examples in the Bible about how suffering is part of God's plan; he cited the story of Joseph (who he described as "like a 1970's pimp with his fuzzy coat") as well as the story of Jesus. In Jesus' case, he said that even though the men who killed Jesus committed a grevious sin, it was still all part of God's plan. They were acting against God, but He knew they would and planned accordingly.

Sarrah's friend Katie, who is not Christian, was taking notes. I curiously took a look at them later on and saw a comment: "Sin is salvation?" It was something along those lines. When I read that, I kind of wondered how it could be explained. Pastor Jon had said that we don't always know how it works. There is no good answer sometimes.

The next day I was at work, which is my thinking time. Since I sit at a computer all day, there's not much for my mind to do except focus purely on work, and who wants to do that? My mind fell on this message again and I thought about it. If sin is bad, how does it all work into God's plan? Then an analogy came to mind that made sense to me. It is probably the only way I can think of to explain it.

It's like a fight. When you are in physical combat with someone, there are three things you want to do.
  1. You want to exploit the opponent's weaknesses
  2. You want to try to turn his strengths against him
  3. You want to anticipate your opponent's moves so you can plan and react accordingly.
This is what it's like between God and Satan. Satan makes his move, but God knows what's going to happen and acts so that Satan's move turns against him.

When God sent down His Son to save the world, He knew that Satan would plot to kill Him. God knew that Satan would plant the seeds of hatred in the hearts of the religious leaders of the time. But God planned for it to happen. When Jesus died, Satan thought for a few days that he had won. He thought he had finally got one on God. However, what he didn't realize was that this was all part of the plan. Jesus rose on the third day, triumphant. In other words, God used Satan's strength over the hearts of wicked men against him. He knew of the weakness of men and let it happen because His triumphant plan would work. Ultimately, He won the fight.

If you have anything to add, help me out here.

So that's probably the simplest way I can think of to explain how I believe it works. I don't know if it's the best answer in the world, but it's what I can think of, anyways. But then, it isn't always for us to know the way God works.