Thursday, November 19, 2009


I'm an apprentice of Jesus above
I learn from His teachings and His way of life
He speaks to my heart and teaches me love
To love unconditionally despite strife

I learn from His teachings and His way of live
His words are clear and His message so true
To love unconditionally without strife
That's His commandment, that is His view

His words are clear and His message so true
Love the Lord God with all that you are
That's His commandment, that is His view
Then He'll see to it that we travel far

Love the Lord God with all that you are
All of your heart, your mind, strength and soul
Then He'll see to it that we travel far
Walking with Him through this lifelong stroll

All of your heart, your mind, strength and soul
In the Lord God they will be so refined
Walking with Him through this lifelong stroll
Walking beside and not falling behind

In the Lord God they will be so refined
I see the masses all raising their hands
Walking beside and not falling behind
They sing to God in all of the lands

I see the masses all raising their hands
I stand in awe and I shout to the Lord
They sing to God in all of the lands
Simply to worship, not for reward

I stand in awe and I shout to the Lord
He speaks to my heart and teaches me love
Simply to worship, not for reward
I'm an apprentice of Jesus above