Thursday, June 23, 2011

Christianity and Politics

Lately I've been feeling like I should be more well informed about goings-on in the United States. As an adult, a husband, a future father, I think I should know what's going on, as well as what a Christian perspective on world events and politics is.

I've noticed that most, if not all, political issues are about one of two things: morality and money. Moral issues are pretty clear cut for Christians; if it's wrong according to the Bible, it's wrong, and it's something not to be agreed with.

Take abortion for example. The Bible clearly says that murder is a sin. Not only that, but John the Baptist, before he was even born, was full of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:15). Would the Holy Spirit indwell something that wasn't alive? No, that would be pantheism, which is unbiblical. So the evidence suggests that children are alive while in the womb. Thus, aborting a child who is still in his or her mother's womb is murder. Pretty clear cut, right?

But then you get to the money. This is the more difficult part to figure out. The Bible has plenty to say about money, such as the fact that we should pay taxes to our government and we need to be good stewards of our money. In my opinion, if the rulers of the US really were being good stewards, we wouldn't have nearly the amount of national debt that we have now.

Here's where I stand. A person who is a good steward knows to live within his means. If there is something truly necessary that he can't afford, but he knows he'll be able to pay it off, he may use a credit card, or pay in payments. He'll pay that money back as soon as possible, maybe in payments, maybe not. That's limited experience talking, mind you, and I know things aren't always that easy, but that's just one very, very general example.

Now we look at our country, spending non-existent money on everything, useful or useless. That's not good stewardship, so clearly it's in the wrong. But how do we fix that? Darned if I know the answer to that one. I'm no economist.

So that was my rambling of the night. Enjoy it!

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