Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Bun In The Oven

A lil tyke, a wee one, a youngling. However you want to say it. But yes, Sarrah and I are having a baby!

We publicly announced it yesterday on Facebook after telling our parents, grandparents and some friends. My boss stated this as "a legitimate use of Facebook." He doesn't like Facebook much, but that's unrelated to the post.

It's difficult to express how I feel. Of course I'm thrilled, excited and overjoyed to be a dad! I've always wanted to get married and have kids, and now here we are, married and having a kid.

But with the excited joy comes nervousness. I mean, I've never been a dad before. This is a whole new dimension for me. Sarrah and I are gonna have a child, a little life whom we are responsible for. I worry about providing financially for little Rodriguez. Typical man, right? I know I shouldn't be, that God is the ultimate provider. But still, I can't help but remember that it's my responsibility to provide for the family, to make sure our family is taken care of.

Of course, provision goes beyond the financial realm. There's providing love, care, and discipline, teaching a child the truth (particularly of the Gospel), Biblical morals. I know things like that won't be easy, but I know that Sarrah and I can provide them. I guess we just need to pray that no matter how crazy the little...crazy-driver...drives us, we can be patient and loving. I know from testimony from my parents and parents-in-law that love and patience are two essential parts of good parenting.

Another note: wanting to have kids has always been part of the reason why I'm so relentless about Bible study. I want to know the truth as fully as I possibly can. I want to be able to teach our children and raise them rightly, to know God, to love Him, to feel their need for Him, to know how to live their lives. I want them to know how important the Bible is to one's life. And not just the Bible as a bunch of words, but the Bible as the breathed out words of God. I want them to know there is an all-powerful, totally loving and merciful God who has spoken to us, who has plans for our lives, who will always work for the good of a believer.

"Oh crap, he's going on about Bible study again." Yes, and I plan to until the day I die.

One huge blessing Sarrah and I have been given is great, loving, supportive family and friends. We have a lot of examples of great parents we can learn from, whether they be our own or just friends of ours. With them being there for us, and with Romans 8:28 in effect, I have even more confidence that everything's going to be alright.

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