Friday, February 1, 2013

One Month Down

At the end of last year I decided to start writing on the blog more often again. Part of my reason for doing this was that I felt like, when I wasn't at work and Sarrah was, I'd be home alone wasting my time doing nothing. I pretty much stopped playing guitar for a while even. I had finished school. I was sort of lost on what I was supposed to do with my time off. When Sarrah was home, great. I could be a husband to her. But when she was gone and I was alone? I'd basically sit on my computer for hours on end wasting time doing nothing productive. So I realized that blogging was a way to prevent that. It's sort of a vocation that I don't get paid for but enjoy very much. Maybe it's not overly productive outside of my own sanity (i.e. maybe others don't get as much out of it as I do), but that's okay. If anything, it helps me to form my beliefs in a cohesive way so I know why I believe what I believe, and that's very important.

So how has that gone? Now that it's been a month, I look back and see that things have gone pretty well. I've been trying to maintain a Monday-Wednesday-Friday updating schedule (I don't think I could do Monday through Friday again) and, surprisingly enough, I've managed to keep that up. There were a few times where I wasn't sure what I would write, and there have been plenty of times where I didn't know if I'd have the time to write a few blog posts to schedule (that's my secret: write the posts and schedule them to be published on the day I want them to be), but I was able to. There were times I'd be in town waiting for something for a few hours (like work meetings), so I could bring my iPad to Starbucks, open up Blogsy, and buckle down and write for a few hours until I needed to leave for my meeting. It's a good use of time and it gets me out of the house, both of which are great. Not only that, but my iPhone has the Blogger app, which enables me to write rough drafts of posts from pretty much anywhere. I can also, if I'm short on time, send quick drafts to Blogger with ideas for posts to write in the future. I'm all set.

So what's next? It's only been a month, but over the month I've published thirteen posts on various different things like apologetic issues, my Bible study observations, and the like. I think I'll just keep up what I've been doing: trying to stick to a MWF schedule and writing about what I'm thinking about. Tabletalk, books, and podcasts have all been great ways to obtain writing material, so I'll definitely stick with those. I've also really wanted to post recordings of a couple songs I've written, but I simply haven't had the time to record them. I may just post lyrics and commentary or something and perhaps post recordings in the future. We'll see.

Also, I'm not sure I've done the greatest job with keeping the jargon list up to date. When writing from my phone in particular, I don't tend to think about adding tooltips all that much. It's easiest to use my computer for such things. Hopefully, however, I'll get better at it. It's a new thing, so I've got to get used to it.

Here goes February!

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