Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Top Four Poems

Lake of Levande (A Pantoum)
From this mystical lake
I see a wondrous light
Shining from the water's wake
It's too far for my sight

I see a wondrous light
It fills the forest clearing
It's too far for my sight
Yet too quiet for my hearing

It fills the forest clearing
A noise all around
Yet too quiet for my hearing
'Tis a beautiful sound

A noise all around
I hear an angel choir
'Tis a beautiful sound
Bringing passion's fire

I hear an angel choir
Singing for Christ's sake
Bringing passion's fire
From this mystical lake

- 12/20/2008

When Heroes Become Villains
I knew a man at the doctor's place
He was there for a concussion
His doctor seemed a kindly guy
The man had a smile on his face
While we had a discussion
I saw a twinkle in his eye

He's no longer there
He was taken from this world
By the man who was entrusted with his care

I knew a girl from near my place
A sweet, five-year-old child
She lived with her single mother
She learned to tie her shoelace
She'd show me with a smile
With innocence like no other

But now she's a ghost
She was taken from this world
By the one who should have loved her the most

- 12/22/2008


Lord, today I ask, send the demons on their way
They're always out to get me
Trying to torment me
With the constant tempting fashion of the flesh

They're always trying really hard to send me down sin's way
Absolutely lying
Deceivingly denying
Their evils so that I will be enmeshed

But Lord, You have a path I choose to follow now today
For me You went and died
With You I am allied
The healing of Your light makes my slate fresh

- 12/23/2008

The Pointless Cliche Poem
To me it seems a little cliche
To write a poem 'bout the sun and a tree
That well overused rhyming pattern
Of a constant continuing A-B-C-B

But when you really want to write
You have this nagging, insatiable urge
To find something, anything, that gives you ideas
So the thought and the want can at last be purged

Trees are like giant people, you see
They live and they breath, just like us
They even have others who cut them down
Occasionally, they'll get hit by a bus

The sun shines so brightly over that hill
Peeking with caution at the small lives
It rises above us to light up the day
He wears sunglasses and helps us to thrive

Alas, you see, I've nothing to write
No inspiration of which to speak
But yet this urge, it rises in me
And so I write crap, man I'm a geek

But wait! It seems I forgot about love
That feeling that causes our hearts to pound
It shortens our breath and takes away reason
And when it is true, we leap and we bound

And so, I guess that's all I can say
The only things I can think of to write
With these final words I depart from this place
I'M GOING STIR CRAZY! And now, good night.

- 12/26/2008

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