Sunday, February 21, 2010

That's the Way the Money Goes

I will start from the beginning.

Not too long ago Sarrah walked into a Jack in the Box somewhere. I don't remember where. But she was appalled to see that the people at the front register had been replaced by a machine in which you punch orders into. The reason for her outrage was because, by installing the machine, the owners are getting rid of jobs that people need, especially in our economy.

Now, it's good that she's engaged to me, because I also have my issues with the handling of jobs and businesses in our economy. The government talks about taxing the rich business owners more heavily in the name of rebuilding the economy. But if you know anything about business, you know that a business owner needs money to run his business. He needs to pay into supplies, insurance, employees. The heavier taxes mean that the owner has less money to pay into his business, which means he has to make cuts in order to stay in business. Typically this means layoffs, which just destroys jobs. Or it could just mean that the owner has to go out of business entirely, destroying even more jobs. What logic is there in this?

Anyways, random economic rant aside, I was thinking about this earlier today. We had stopped at a Jack in the Box with people at the front registers, so I texted Sarrah to tell her I wasn't a traitor. Then we drove by another, which got me thinking about stuff.

See, for a while now I've thought it would be cool to start my own media business. I was never really sure what I meant before, but more recently I've been thinking about audio work. But I always imagined it being just me. At least initially. Nowadays it would be both Sarrah and I as a team. But I started thinking it would be really cool if, should the business be successful enough, or should Sarrah and I get enough money, we hired some employees. Create a few jobs, help some people.

I told Sarrah this idea, starting off by wondering aloud if Evergreen (the college I'll be attending) had any business courses. I don't know if I knew she'd look it up or if I was just leading into my thought, but she found one which would fit into my schedule nicely. Thanks, love. :-) She also expanded on the original idea to include some interesting ways to help others.

We know some people with "history." History that makes it harder to find a decent job. Sarrah suggested that we could hire people like that. Obviously we'd have to find a way to make sure these people were legit, but I agreed with her. People deserve a second chance. And if you met some of my friends with histories, you'd never distrust them even the slightest bit.

I also mentioned offering internships to college students or entry-level jobs to people looking to get their feet in the door. As a college student, I know the market can be an intimidating place to think about. So does Sarrah. Why not help some of these kids out?

Of course, this is all a lot of speculation and dreaming. But you know, it's entirely possible. I've always wondered how audio work can help people. Maybe this is how. It'll take a lot of work. But, as I like to say (now), "Jehovah Jireh." Translated, it means "The LORD will provide." Plus, I've got a wife-to-be who wants to do this with me, which is a huge blessing because the Lord knows I'm not smart enough to pull it off alone. Well, I'm not as detail-oriented as she is, at least.

It'll take prayer, but if this is what God wants us to do, then nothing's gonna stop us.

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