Friday, February 18, 2011

New Blog Name?

So you're probably wondering why I changed my blog's name. Or not. Either way I'm gonna tell you.

I realized that this blog really isn't so much of a "story" per se. It's more a place where I post my thoughts and hope and try really hard to not be the 1 Timothy 1:6-7 guy.

Thus, a new blog name! I think it's appropriate too, because worshiping our Sovereign Lord is something I want to do every day, something I have to remind myself of every day, and absolutely essential for any Christian.

I also want to say that by "worship," I don't just mean music. Sure, music is one form of worship. But by worship, I mean our entire lives must be devoted to God! This is something I struggle with every day, so don't think I'm saying I've accomplished that. I don't think anyone in history except Jesus ever fully accomplished that. But yeah.

Also, for those of you who have this blog bookmarked (all 0 of you), you'll need to fix that. I changed the URL to reflect the new name and the old one doesn't work anymore.

1 comment:

  1. arrrrr matey. Like it, love it, love you! Now I must refollow youzorz
