Thursday, July 14, 2011

Glad To Be Back

I wanna tell you a story.

A while back I suddenly was very on-fire for God, Jesus, His Word, and what He's done in my life. I started reading my Bible. I realized that I need to define myself as a Christian, and that that definition holds absolutely everything there is to know about me. Every aspect of my life - my being a husband, a guitarist, a student, etc - was wrapped up in my being a Christian, a "little Christ," a follower of God. Whether this was my getting saved when I thought I'd been saved the whole time, I don't know. It could have just been my waking up to the fact that my Christianity really, truly means something very very deep.

Then, life happened. As it does.

I found myself becoming very busy. I was tired half the time and I stopped getting up in the morning early enough to have time for my Bible reading. I'd get up and I'd go on the computer. If I had time in the day after school, it was spent lazily. I got very wrapped up in my schoolwork actually. It didn't help that the last few weeks I had to be at school all day Sundays, preventing me from going to church for three weeks straight.

I continued to go to church after that, but I still found myself being too busy for God. Previously, I had been thinking about Jesus and His Word virtually all the time. Now? It rarely crossed my mind. It bothered me when it did, because I knew something was wrong.

I don't really remember what triggered this, but I suddenly found myself being very interested in the world's issues, particularly the issues of the United States. I wanted to know how to look at them, where to stand on some of them. It was after this that a friend of mine and I got into a short discussion about human rights. The most important part was when he asked me what rights we had as Christians. I gave a rather stupid answer at first, but then really thought about it for a while. Humanly, we had rights, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and such. People aren't allowed to take those away from us because it's wrong.

But in God's perspective, the reality is that people aren't allowed to take those away from us because it's sinful, which offends a holy, righteous, perfect and just God.

It suddenly hit me like a brick. It was as if God was saying to me, "You want to know how things are? You need to see things how I see them." I remembered once again that God being real had very serious implications on my life, my worldview, and everything else.

Then I went to a conference. Long story short, I was convicted of having not read my Bible for quite a while (or at least being incredibly inconsistent with it). I learned that I needed to have someone hold me accountable on that, so I asked Sarrah. She's done a very good job of it too.

So here we are. I can feel that fire once again. I'm reading my Bible regularly and have fallen in love with it and God all over again. I remember once again that God is real, His Way is perfect, and He knows exactly how everything is and how it's going to be. And honestly, I can say I'm glad to be back.

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