Saturday, April 25, 2009

Leadership: My Thoughts

Shortly before Spring Quarter began at OC, I got a call from Joey. He had been praying a lot about a young adult group and told me that God had put me on his heart for a position of leadership. I, figuring that Joey would know what he's talking about and that one should answer when God calls, accepted.

Joey brought up the idea of a young adult group around Winter Quarter one night when we were hanging out at Ty's house. I was excited about it. Near the end of winter I wondered if it was still gonna happen, but Joey assured me it would.

After this phone call I started wondering to myself, "What does God want me to do?" I've been trying to think of the things I'm good at and seeing how they could help.

Music: Okay, I'm a fair musician. I can play guitar, bass, and piano and, according to some accounts, sing. Maybe worship leader? But I worry that I might focus too much on the music rather than just worshiping God, so I've decided to put that out of the question for now.

Drawing: I draw, too. I'd like to try painting sometime. But how on earth does that help with leadership?

Writing: I've been writing for a long time. Creative writing is my specialty. I like writing short stories, or at least thinking them up and trying to find time to write them. But again, how does that help in a position of leadership?

Those are probably my three main skills. They don't really account for character or personality traits. I can be patient and I'd like to consider myself a good listener. I'm not rude, or at least I try not to be. There are probably other things that can be said.

One interesting thing during my phone conversation with Joey is that he expressed interest in having an actual website rather than just a MySpace or a Facebook. I hadn't told him before but I told him then that I was going to be taking a Web Page Development class this quarter. So far I'm loving it. Maybe God's trying to say something there?

I also wondered if maybe God's intending for me to be led by Him by being in this position. I know being in a leadership position will require me to be more accountable. Hmm?

Just various thoughts of mine that I felt like sharing.


  1. So I've been intending to reply to this for quite a while, it just keeps slipping out of my mind. I think my favorite bible verse fits here pretty accurately:

    "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." 1 Corinthians 12:4

    As you well know, one type of gift is not any better then the other. In the same sense, I believe that all gifts can be used to lead well. You know, I can see your heart for God really clearly Adam, and I think that's the most important part of leadership. Having someone who you can see loves God and lets God work in their lives. The rest will fall into place. Perhaps God is intending you to be led by Him, and perhaps he's going to show you that the talents you recognize can be used for a myriad of things, and that he's not done showing you where your talents lie.

    I like your thoughts...and these are mine :)

  2. Well I would have replied earlier, but I stopped checking.

    Thank you Sarrah, that means a lot to me. :) And very good verse, too.

    Yes, God can use anyone and everyone to further the Kingdom. I'm just curious as to how He'll use me.

    I like your thoughts, too.
