Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I Write (Part 3.1415)

I'm not sure how many times I've written this post in the past (I used to have a MySpace blog), but it always manages to change every time. So, here it is (again)!

Why do I write? And why do I write the way I do? I know I post on this blog a lot. But there are several reasons behind it.

I love it

Writing is fun to me. It always has been. I've been a bit of a writer since my childhood when I would write (and illustrate) little books for my family. I remember I wrote a book for Grandpa about a magic screwdriver, based off of his massive amounts of tools and his having a workshop in the old house. With that screwdriver he invented things like the eight dollar bill and a time machine.

It's a Thinking Process

I tend to think more clearly when I write. You know those long Bible studies I write that no one reads? Those are the results of a thinking process during study. Rather than simply try to remember it all, I organize it by writing about it. Sometimes I find gaps in my thinking, or as I write I remember something related to what I'm writing that gives an even better perspective on things.

It's a Form of Ministry

Some of you may know that I'm not the best (or at least most comfortable) public speaker in the world. At least I don't think so. I think I'm actually more comfortable singing in public than speaking, because then at least I know what I'm going to say. But I like to share what I discover in Bible study or what I think about something. So, writing is my avenue for that. I want to help others grow and get closer to God, and this, I think, is the best way for me to do that.

And how I write depends on what I'm writing about I guess. In my more in-depth Bible studies, I try to be as careful as possible. I try to select the right words to convey meaning, and I try to let the Bible speak for itself rather than speak for it myself, which is why I quote so many Bible verses. I don't want to take too many steps without having a Biblical reason for doing so, because I don't want to convey something unbiblical. I usually have my ESVBible.org account open as well because it's a handy reference tool. I also try my hardest to not let those posts get muddied up in "theological-ese," or those ridiculously complicated sounding words that make life more difficult than it needs to be like "penal substitutionary atonement" or "missiology."

But in posts like this I tend to be more lighthearted, easygoing. I'm only speaking for myself here, not trying to interpret Scripture for people, so it's easier to just go with the flow of it. I tend to think people like these posts more than the Bible studies, but I don't really know.

Anyways, I figured I'd write this post (again) for the sake of it. Enjoy your (insert day here)!

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