Saturday, November 19, 2011

Prayer, Worship, and Love: Good Reasons to Read the Bible

So pretty much everyone who's reading this probably knows that I am in love (read: obsessed) with the Bible. That's a good thing to love and be obsessed with, right? I mean, the Bible is literally the most precious physical treasure on earth. It's more important than that new guitar, or house, or car, or even job. It directs us how to view those things, how to live our lives, how to love people and family, how to work. Not that we should neglect those things to read the Bible, because if we neglect family and people and work, we're going against the very Bible we're reading.

But I find that reading the Bible, shockingly enough, helps you understand things better. It helps you to know God better and love Him even more because you know what He's truly done, what He is doing, and what He plans to do.

My prayer life is now better than ever. I admit, I don't pray as often as I should. And that's something I'm working on (or is being worked on in me). But when I do pray, my prayers become more than just Oh Lord, I want this thing, help me get this thing. They become fountains of praise and worship and theology, not just cold academic knowledge, but love and praise and worship from the heart and mind and soul and strength. I credit that to spiritual growth that comes from reading and knowing the Word of God. And even as I pray, I find I think more about God and love Him all the more for it. Not only that, but I love the true God, because I know about the true, Triune God and what He has truly done for us. I know that I am a wretched sinner and that, for whatever reason, He has led me to repentance and salvation for no reason other than He wanted to. I didn't earn that. He gave it to me. And that reflects in my prayers to Him. I know to approach Him not as a guy who just gives gifts (though He does), or as a stern, cruel being. I approach Him as a Lord who is great and awesome and powerful and just, and as a Father who cares and loves and shows mercy greater than anyone else. He has the power to save me and help me and love me. He rules heaven and will bring the Kingdom to earth. He teaches, corrects, and trains in righteousness. He delivers me from evil. He forgives. He gives me everything I truly need to live the life He desires. And all that comes from reading the Bible and learning from men who teach the Bible rightly.

And that, my friends, is another reason to read the Bible. It improves our prayers and worship and love for our Triune, perfect God. And what can be greater than that?

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