Friday, February 15, 2013

Elect, Raise Up Your Voice to God

Before Creation, God ordained
To save His Son’s dear bride
Then Jesus came and died for her
To make her purified

Elect, raise up your voice to God
Who Sov’reignly decreed
To heal your heart and make you new
From sin to set you free

Though we are undeserving fools
Unworthy and disgraced
He met God’s justice on the cross
And poured on us His grace

The sheep the Father gives to Him
Will come to Him one day
And all who rest inside His hand
Shall ne’er be cast away

No, not by works nor merit earned
Have Christians been restored
But we can rest assured in
The mercy of our Lord

I'm particularly happy about this song because it's essentially the Five Points of Calvinism set to song. That was the goal: to word the Five Points in a way that every person who calls himself a Christian would have to agree with them. We were undeservedly saved by a sovereign God who keeps us in his hand for all eternity and sanctifies us every day. What's wrong with that? If you ask me, it sounds like orthodox, historical, Biblical Christianity. And, in the humble opinion of this blogger, that's exactly what it is.

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