Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Flight of a Dreamer

This is something I originally wrote last summer, then revised in December. And no, it is not a suicide thing. Enjoy.

He constantly felt trapped in this monotonous world. Every day he would go through the same routine: get up, go to work, go home, sleep. He was an artist; his imagination and creativity constantly cried for a release from the sameness of a world that had ensnared him.

That was why he had driven out here today.

He stood at the edge of the cliffs outside the city, gazing at the blazing orange sunrise that set the sky on fire. The clouds above looked ominously dark as if they were trying to keep him away, and yet they seemed to call to him. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, spread his arms wide, and took a step off the edge.

There was no hesitation, no reluctance. This was what he wanted. He wanted to be free. He wanted nothing less than to leave his chains behind him.

And so he slowly began to ascend.

He refused to look down at the world, for it was still far too close. He feared that if he looked back, it would reach out and grab him, ensnaring him in the binds of normalcy he was trying so hard to escape. He ascended faster now. The cool wind blew against his face as he opened his eyes, wishing to see his new world.

It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. The sun had risen, bathing him in its bright rays. He could touch the clouds, which no longer seemed intimidating; they were like the trees, so full of life. He looked at his hands; a faint blue flame had enveloped them, but it did not burn his skin. It was the fire of passion and hope that rose inside him as he flew. He looked to his left, seeing eagles flying next to him. They were a welcoming committee, greeting their new companion to their world.

Finally, he mustered up the courage to look down. The earth was but a sphere now, so distant and far away that he did not worry that it could reach him now, not in this beautiful place. He could see the deep blue of the oceans and the green and brown of the land. How amazing they looked from afar.

Then he turned his view upwards, away from the past. Above him, he could see two gigantic hands. They were open, palms facing him, waiting for him to come to them. He knew they were calling for him. He felt a sense of warmth that was entirely separate from the flames surrounding him. What was that feeling? He knew, whatever it was, he wanted it. And so, more sure of this than he ever had been about anything, he darted to the enormous hands.

As he drew closer, a blinding light emanated from the hands, engulfing him completely. He had to shut his eyes due to how bright it was. What was that he could hear? Singing? It sounded like a choir, the most beautiful choir he had ever heard. They sounded joyful in their resounding song. Perhaps they had been waiting for him all this time, waiting to welcome him to his new home.

He opened his eyes. The light still surrounded him, almost talking to him in a voice that he could hear aloud, and yet felt like a thought in his mind. It reassured him, comforted him. It wanted him to stay here.

This was where he wanted to be. It was his chance for a new life. It was the freedom he so desperately needed. And so, without looking back, he let the light consume him...mind, soul, body, and heart.

- Inspired by the art of Vance Harris

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