Sunday, May 17, 2009


So today was the first night of ELPIS, Joey's young adult group. 'Twas a great night. The message was about finding rest in God, which is something we all need sometimes. But this blog post isn't about that message.

During worship, Joey brought up something that he did at a camp one time. The leaders asked for people to start calling out words that described God to them. He said that when one comes authentically it's like confession.

It caused me to think about what God's doing in my life. Two specific words came to mind: Protector and Guide. And I will try to define them how I saw them.


Every single day of my life is spent around the ways of the world. I work in a building which is almost entirely non-Christian save for me and Duck (as far as I know). The rest of the people there range from atheists to Wiccan to Christian Agnost (which is someone who believes there's a God but isn't willing to fully submit to Him). They swear, they talk about a bunch of weird things, they have beliefs and views that are opposite mine.

After work I go to school. I know nothing at all about the beliefs of my XHTML class, but my English class is a different story. Most, if not all, of them are non-Christian. Not only this, but they all have views of Christianity for whatever reason.

However, despite that I am around these things, they haven't swept me away. I can only attribute this to God being there with me, protecting me from the demons.


Where do I start with this? Well, I can't exactly give all the details of this one at the moment. But let's just say that recent events have caused me to see the future differently, some in ways that I constantly wonder if I'm ready for. But perhaps, just perhaps God's up there saying, "Hey, it's time for you to go this way." Which, if so, is freakin' awesome. And it also means that He knows where I should be going and is pointing me in the right direction. If I listen to the Guide, I will find the pot of gold waiting at the end of the rainbow, which will be amazing.


These are things I already knew, but they aren't really things I knew. It was only as those words came that it really processed in my mind. And I thank God for putting them there. I thank Him for putting those words in my mind and on my heart. And I thank Him for being those things to me. Because I need them to successfully make it through this world.

1 comment:

  1. I love this Adam. It's so awesome to see what we think about God that we don't always necessarily realize right off. God is such an awesome protector and guide, and it's great to look back and she just how much he does really have things worked out.
