Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Maintaining a Semi-Meaningful Blog

I don't know how many people will be interested in reading this, but I want to write it anyway.

I'm honestly surprised at how difficult it is to maintain this blog while school is in session. Mainly the hard thing is Bible studies, like the "Put On the New Self" series. I don't just know the passage. I always study while I write. I'm not someone who just knows Scripture and writes about it; I study in depth while I write posts so I can rightly present a passage, and so I personally know it.

That's a big thing for me. I originally started studying Colossians 3:1-17 simply because I wanted to. I hadn't intended on making it a blog series. I just suddenly wanted to share after starting. It's a personal activity that I want to share with anyone who will listen.

Frankly, it's been great so far. Going through a passage of Scripture is a great learning experience, and the possibility that people might read holds me accountable to not skip anything. I've been tempted, but I don't want to be called out later with, "Hey, you never said anything about X." So I want to be thorough. That said, I also know my posts can get complicated and difficult or weird and convoluted. So if there's any way I can make things more understandable, simpler, or anything, please let me know. I want people to be able to both read and understand.

Anyways, I intend to finish my current series. It's just time-consuming, so bear with me. You can subscribe to get e-mail notifications or RSS feeds on the right of this site, so if you want to be updated when I post, subscribe! The more the merrier!

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