Friday, March 23, 2012

Demanding Lord and Delivering Savior

Quotes from Old, Dead Dudes (3/23/2012)

The following quote is from Jim Elliot, a missionary to Ecuador who was martyred by the Waodani Indians in 1956. This quote is taken from a journal entry where he is commenting on the beginning of Jude.

Certain men in the group to whom Jude wrote had turned the grace of God into loose living, denying the only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. This was written for my day: For today I hear of men preaching that grace means freedom to live unrestrained lives apart from any standard of moral purity, declaring "we are not under law, we are under grace." Grace turned into ἀσέλγεια ["licentiousness"]! Combined with this is the twentieth-century heresy that Christ is Savior only by right, Lord by "option" of the "believer." This denial of the only Master and Lord, preach[es] only half of His person, declaring only partially the truth as it is in Jesus Christ[.] [The gospel] must be preached with the full apprehension of who He is, the demanding Lord as well as the delivering Savior. . . . Denial of the lordship of the Lord. That is disobedience which in any way makes pliable the requirement of God, for it makes God not God.

Source: MacArthur, John F. Slave. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2010. Print.


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