Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Lately I've started wondering if I need to be rebaptized. I've been trying to pin down the time of my salvation and...I can't.

I was baptized before, a long time ago during my childhood. I've always attended church, except for a period in my life when my family and I just couldn't find one. So I was raised Christian. But I don't know if that means I actually was Christian.

See, about two years ago, I actually realized the truth of the Gospel. I truly felt my unworthiness and realized that, despite that, Jesus died to pay for my sin if only I would believe in Him and accept Him as my Lord and Savior. I had prayed for Him to come into my life a few times. But now I wonder if I was only looking for fire insurance, or if I really knew what I was doing. Saying a prayer does not necessarily equal salvation.

I already knew I was sinful. I already knew I was imperfect. I'd heard the Gospel preached before. But was I saved? That's what I'm having a hard time figuring out, because I don't know for sure anymore. I know I thought I was. I know I am now, but was I when I was baptized all those years ago? Was I just going through the motions, deceiving myself for so many years until I truly understood the Gospel?

Because if I wasn't a believer back when I was baptized, it means I wasn't baptized as a real, true Christian. And if that's true, I think I would need to be baptized as a real, true Christian as a matter of obedience to Jesus.

Perhaps I should talk to my pastor about this.

P.S. Mom and Dad, if you read this, then my wondering whether I was saved is not a reflection on you. Sometimes we kids are just slow.

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