Thursday, March 15, 2012

Writing Through R.C. Sproul's "Defending Your Faith"

Defending Your Faith

On Sunday night I bought Defending Your Faith by R.C. Sproul (hence the title). It's a book about apologetics, something that Dr. Sproul himself is well-known for. For those who don't know, apologetics is basically the practice of making a case to both defend and prove something. In the case of this book, that something is the Christian faith.

In this book, Dr. Sproul is concerned with multiple things:

  1. Making a case for the existence of God and the authority of the Bible
  2. Showing that Christianity, contrary to popular belief, is based on both faith and reason
  3. Teaching the reader how to defend the faith

Before getting this book, I kind of thought it would be fun to blog my through it one chapter at a time. I figure it will help me absorb the information better, and Sproul argues that this book contains very important information. Plus, it would give me more to write about; that way, you, the reader, are kept happy.

So, starting Monday, I'm gonna blog my way through Defending Your Faith. The posts may not all be consecutive, meaning I'll probably still post other things on different topics now and again. And I'm not starting tomorrow because I already have tomorrow's old, dead dude quote queued up.

Speaking of which, does anyone like the old, dead dude quotes? So far the only comment I've heard about them is to stop because that particular reader doesn't want to read quotes; she wants to read what I have to say. So, any thoughts? If no one wants me to continue them, I'll stop.

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