Monday, March 4, 2013

February Debrief

Before I begin, don't worry; I don't plan on doing monthly debriefs forever. But since I've been trying to be more serious about blogging, I want to do a debrief each month just to summarize what's happened and how I feel the month went.

So, this month I started my series on The Baptist Catechism, which so far is going pretty well I think. It definitely gives me more ideas of what to write and, if I finish it (remember, no promises), will take me through several core doctrines of Christianity. The difficulty about it, as compared to other posts, is that I have to do some serious study while I write, which takes longer. With most posts, I already know what I want to write about before I write them; not so with this series. I don't have all the questions memorized. I don't necessarily know where writing about and analyzing the questions and answers in light of the Bible will take me. But it's been good to get into some focused personal study. I haven't done that a lot lately, and I've missed it.

So far we've gone through five questions in the past month; there are 118 in the catechism, just to give you an idea of how long this will probably take, especially since I only update three times a week and thus far have only averaged two questions a week. Not to mention that I'm sure I'll have to split some questions into multiple posts again, like last week. But hey, there's no rush, right?

As for keeping my schedule, I've still managed to do it somehow. There were plenty of times when I felt like I simply wouldn't be able to, but somehow I managed to write enough posts to make it through February. I don't plan to do more than three posts a week anytime soon; trust me, I've considered it. I even thought at one point that, if I keep up my Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule through February, maybe I'd add in Saturdays as well. Yeah, that's not happening.

Speaking of scheduling, however, I should remind you (since you probably know me in real life anyway) that I have a baby on the way. When the baby is born, I'm planning to take a hiatus for a week or two, maybe more. Maybe I'll have enough posts stocked up to keep things going for a little while, and maybe by the time those have been published I'll have been able to write more and there will be little to no gap. But we'll see what happens. I have priorities, and as important as this blog is to me, a lot of other things (like babies, for instance) take precedence over it.

Also, this month I finally wrote an About page! I've been dying to write one for a while now and I'm happy to say that it's up. Right now it's really a doctrinal distinctives page, but that's important; people should know what they're in for when they read my blog.

As for the future, we'll see what happens content-wise. I've considered writing some posts about books I'm reading, and if I feel so inclined I probably will at some point or another. But who knows? The catechism has taken up a lot of my writing time and focus to be honest; that's usually what comes to mind first when I think of what to write next. But, considering how long it is, that should give me plenty to write about if I really can't think of anything else.

Well, I think that's about it for February. Let's begin March! Although, you know, this is the second post this month since I thought Friday's post went well with the other posts last week...but yeah! Let's go, March!

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