Friday, March 29, 2013

The Perfect Surrender

When Creator became creation
When Jesus came to earth
He humbled Himself in servant’s form
And naked human birth
Born to a girl and a carpenter
Crying and helpless He came
And that’s how He began the perfect surrender

When Jesus prayed to the Father
Facing the coming disgrace
He pleaded to God for another plan
As sweat and blood fell from His face
Submitted Himself to the Father
He said, “Thy will be done”
He gave Himself up to God in perfect surrender

When Jesus hung on the cross
When His blood spilled on the ground
He bore the sins of many
As mockers and revilers abound
He finally cried out, “It is finished”
And gave up His spirit to God
And that was how He fulfilled the perfect surrender

When Jesus came and died
And rose that triumphant morn
He shamed the powers of sin and death
And demons felt His scorn
The barrier broke on the day He died
The curtain between God and man
Now we are reconciled through His perfect surrender

I thought about writing a big Easter post, but then I thought of this song of mine. The lyrics are appropriate for Easter, no?

I wrote this song a while ago when looking for words for a title. While skimming through Mere Christianity, I came across the phrase "the perfect surrender." From there, the lyrics pretty much flowed out. The idea was to tell the story of Jesus' surrender and death and proclaim what he accomplished: redemption for his people. It doesn't mention how his life provided the perfect righteous he would give to us, but you can't do everything in one song, I suppose.

Here's an old, imperfect, acoustic demo version. I haven't gotten around to producing a better one yet.

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